We are delighted that you visited our website and that you are interested in our company.

This provider privacy statement was written to inform you of the information we gather, of how we use that data and what options you have as a visitor to this website, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (2016/67) as well as with the Austrian Data Protection Regulation.

1. Controller

Galleria di Base del Brennero
Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE
Amraser Straße 8
A-6020 Innsbruck
Piazza Stazione 1
I-39100 Bolzano
T.: +43 512 40 30 - 0
F.: +43 512 40 30 - 110
Email: privacy bbt-se.com
T.: +39 0471 06 22 - 0
F.: +39 0471 06 22 – 11
Email: privacy bbt-se.com
Commercial register number: 367729d
VAT identification number: ATU61270868
Bolzano commercial register:02431150214
VWV Number:BZ – 0178187
VAT identification number:IT02431150214
Board of Directors:
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Gradnitzer
Dott. Ing. Gilberto Cardola 


2. Use of our website

You may call up and use this website without providing personal data to us.

Personal data is saved only if intentionally provided by you, for example concerning an inquiry, an application or a tunnel site tour registration.

2.1. Automatic data saving

When you visit a website nowadays, certain information is automatically generated and saved. This happens on our website, too.

If you visit our website now, our web server (the computer on which this website is saved) automatically saves data such as

  • the address (URL) of the called up website
  • browser and browser version
  • the operating system in use
  • the address (URL) of the previously visited site (referrer URL)
  • the host name and the IP-address of the device used to access the site
  • data and time

in files (web server-log files).

The web server log files are saved for two weeks and will be automatically erased after that term.

We do not share these data, but we cannot rule out that this data will be viewed in case of illegal behaviour.

In accordance with article 6 par. 1f of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (legitimacy of processing), the legal basis is that there is a legitimate interest in enabling the proper functioning of this website through the collection of web server - log files.

2.2. TLS encryption with https

We use https to transfer data safe over the internet (data protection by technology engineering Article 25 par.1 General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union).

By the use of TLS (Transport Layer Security), an encryption protocol for safe data transfer over the internet, we are able to guarantee the safety of confidential data.

The use of this safe data transfer is guaranteed by a small lock symbol on the upper left hand side of the browser and by the string https (instead of http) as part of our internet address.

2.3. Use of cookies

We use cookies in order to create an attractive website and to allow for the use of some functions.

A cookie is a text file stored on your computer if you are visiting our website. Cookies help to create a more user-friendly website.

Cookies are basically used to offer additional functions. They can be used, for example, to facilitate your navigation on a website. They enable you to continue to use a website at the same place you left it and/or to save your preferences and your settings if you visit the website again.

Cookies cannot access, read or change other data on your computer. Most of our cookies are "session cookies". They will be automatically erased when you leave our website. The other cookies, so called "persistent cookies", are memorized on your terminal device.

You can set your browser in order to be informed when cookies are used and decide from case to case whether to allow them or not. Moreover, you can exclude the acceptance of cookies in certain cases or in general, and cancel the memorized persistent cookies from your hard drive.

Sight of cookie settings and deletion of cookies

Your browser settings show you which cookies are saved by our website.

If you don't wish the cookies to be stored, you can configure your browser in order to be informed when cookies are set and to allow the setting of setting only in certain cases.

If you generally do not allow the use of cookies, if you deactivate them via a browser setting, some functions and sites might not work as expected.

2.4. Using Google Analytics for web analysis

On this website, we use Google Analytics of Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) to evaluate visitor data statistically. Google Analytics uses focused cookies to do this.

Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies". They allow for an analysis of your website visit. The information on your site use gathered through Cookies is normally transferred to a Google Server in the United States and will be saved there.

Further information on the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy can be found here: http://www.google.com/analytics/terms/de.html
or here


According to the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union, our purpose is to improve our offer and our web presence. The private sphere of our users is important to us. Therefore, we create pseudonyms from user data.
Data is processed on the basis of the legal regulations of § 96 par. 3 of the Austrian Telecommunications Law and of Art. 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union par. 1 lit. a (approval) and/or f (legitimate interest).

Deactivation of data capture services by Google Analytics

With the Browser-Add-ons for the deactivation of Google Analytics-JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, dc.js), website visitors can prevent Google Analytics from using their data.

They can object to the registration by Google of the data created by cookies and pertinent to your use of your website if you download and install the following browser plug-in available through the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de

Google Analytics deactivation link

If you click on the following deactivation link, you can prevent Google from capturing further visits to this website. Please note: The erasure of cookies, the use of the incognito/private mode of your browser or the use of another browser will cause your data to be collected again.

Deactivate Google Analytics

Google Analytics IP Anonymization

On this website, we implemented the IP Address Anonymization of Google Analytics. This function has been developed by Google so that this website can comply with the applicable data protection rules and recommendations of the local data protection authority, if they forbid the collection of the entire IP address. The anonymization and/or masking of the IP address takes place when the IP addresses arrive at the Google Analytics data registration network and before the data is saved or processed.

2.5. Google Maps

On our website, we use Google Analytics of Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA).

If you use the functions of this map, the data will be transferred to Google. On https://www.google.com/intl/de/policies/privacy/ you can find out which data are registered by Google and what these data are used for.

2.6. Links to other websites and usage of social-media plug-ins

Embedded social media elements privacy statement

On our website, we embed pictures of social media services in order to show pictures, videos and texts.

If you visit sites that show these elements, the data of your browser will be transferred to the respective social media service and will be saved there. We do not have any access to this data.

YouTube privacy statement

On this site, we use the video service YouTube of the YouTube Company, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA.

By calling up sites of our website with integrated YouTube Videos, data is transferred to YouTube, saved and evaluated.

If you do have a YouTube Account and are connected, your data is assigned to your personal account and the data saved there.

On https://www.google.com/intl/de/policies/privacy/ you can find out which data are registered by Google and what these data are used for.

Source: Generated with the data protection generator box www.adsimple.at in cooperation with hashtagtirol.at

3. Legal background and processing purposes

The processing of personal data has the following legal background:

  • Your approval, if given (General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union Art. 6 Abs 1 lit a).
  • Contract fulfilment (General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union Art. 6 Abs 1 lit b). Your provided data are required for contract fulfilment and/or to carry out pre-contractual activities. Without these data, the contract between you and our company cannot be fulfilled.
  • Legal requirements (General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union Art. 6 Abs 1 lit c). Legal requirements require the company to process your data. These legal requirements are: Austrian Civil Code (ABGB), Employees Act (AngG), Labour Constitution Act (ArbVG), Federal Fiscal Code (BAO), Employees Liability Act (DHG), Income Tax Acts (EStG), Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act (GewO), Equal Treatment Law (GlbG), Children and Adolescents Employment Act, Wage and Social Dumping Evasion Act (LSD-BG), Residence Act (UBG), Administrative Penalty Act (VStG), Collective Agreement.
  • Legitimate interest of the Responsible Party (General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union Art. 6 Abs 1 lit f). The company processes data because of our legitimate interest in doing so, in order to achieve our goals.

If you visit this website, if you communicate with us, if you fill in the contact form, register for a guided tunnel tour, you may possibly communicate data regarding yourself. These data might include personal data, too.

If we ask you to indicate certain data, we collect the data in the respective forms or on the respective pages.

If you wish, you may provide further information by contacting us.

If we do have a contractual relationship with you, your provided data and the data incurring due to our contractual relationship will be processed.

This comprises name, enterprise or another business name, address, contact data (Tel., E-mail, Fax), commercial register data, data regarding credit standing, bank account, VAT identification number, names and contact data of your contact partners.

Please note that data transmission via internet (e.g. e-mail communication) may have security gaps. Although we encrypt the data according to the latest technology, illegitimate access by third parties can never be completely excluded.

4. Processes data categories

4.1. Required personal data

Data required for processing enquiries, especially in our contact form, for processing an application for contract fulfilment, in particular second and first name, address, contact information (e.g. e-mail-address, telephone number), information on the modality and the content of our contractual relationship, bank account.

4.2. Other personal data

Data provided with your consent or provided permissibly at contract discussions or during the contractual relationship, e.g. gender, academic degree, power of authorisation and representation or further information regarding your person made publicly available by yourself.

This was just a general list. We do not always have all the above mentioned data. You do have a right of access to information in a detailed, individual list and can demand it from us (see also point 8 "Your rights" with regard to your data processing).

5. Data transfer to third parties

Your data is transmitted within the company itself and will be partially transferred to third parties, too (e.g. for guided tunnel tours, to the local construction supervisors) to be processed following legal or contractual requirements. Your data can be processed for the purposes mentioned in Point 3 and may be transmitted to our service providers or to companies connected with the Brenner Base Tunnel.

6. Data deletion

Your reference data and the other personal data will be deleted after the termination of the contract, at the latest after the expiry of all legal retention requirements.

In order to protect legal and warranty claims in virtue of § 1489 Austrian Civil Code, we will retain your personal data for a period of 30 years.

If you applied for a job, we will retain your data for 9 months after the contract of the chosen candidate was signed. In individual cases, as for example pending court proceedings, data can be saved for more than 9 months. If you choose to become part of our applicant pool, we will retain your data for five years with your consent that can be revoked at any time without affecting the legitimacy of the processing done on the basis of the consent.

7. Profiling

We do not use any automated data processing for the analysis of user behaviour. We do not apply profiling in compliance with Art. 4 Para. 10 of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union.

8. Your rights in terms of the processing of your data

8.1. Right of information (Art. 15 General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union)

You have the right to know if and how we process your data.

8.2. Right of adjustment (Art. 16 General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union)

If we process incomplete or incorrect personal data from you, you have the right to request, at any time, the correction or completion of said data.

8.3. Right of deletion (Art. 17 General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union)

If we process your personal data unlawfully, you may request the deletion of your personal data. There may however be reasons that hinder an immediate deletion. There are, for example, statutory retention obligations.

8.4. Right of processing limitation (Art. 18 General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union)

You do have the right, under legal premises, to limit the processing of all gathered personal data. From the request for restriction on, this data is processed only with individual consent or for the purpose of asserting and enforcing legal claims.

8.5. Right of data portability (Art. 20 General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union)

You are entitled to demand the handover of the data you have provided in a machine-readable form, if the data is processed on the basis of consent or on a contractual basis.

8.6. Right of objection (Art. 21 General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union)

For reasons resulting from your personal situations you are entitled to present, at any time, an objection against the processing of your personal data required for the preservation of our interests or of the interests of a third party. After the objection, your data will no longer be subject to processing, unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for processing that would prevail over your interests, rights and freedoms or the processing serves for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. You can at any time object to the data processing for the purpose of direct publicity, with future effect.

8.7. Right of appeal (Art. 77 General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union)

If you are of the opinion that the processing of your personal data is contrary to European or Austrian privacy law, please contact us to resolve those issues.

You are, of course, within your rights in making a complaint to the data protection authority. The contact data of the Austrian Data Protection Authority can be found under www.dsb.gv.at, the contact data of the Italian Data Protection Authority can be found under www.garanteprivacy.it..

10. Assertion of your rights

Please contact us to assert one of your rights mentioned above:

Galleria di Base del Brennero
Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE
Amraser Straße 8
A-6020 Innsbruck
Piazza Stazione 1
I-39100 Bolzano
T.: +43 512 40 30 - 0
F.: +43 512 40 30 - 110
Email: privacy@bbt-se.com
T.: +39 0471 06 22 - 0
F.: +39 0471 06 22 – 11
Email: privacy@bbt-se.com