Brenner Basistunnel: Baubeginn auf der Baustelle „Neue Zufahrtsstraße Riol“
In Riol, Gemeinde Franzensfeste, beginnt in der zweiten Jännerhälfte 2025 ein wichtiges Infrastrukturprojekt zur...
In Riol, Gemeinde Franzensfeste, beginnt in der zweiten Jännerhälfte 2025 ein wichtiges Infrastrukturprojekt zur...
The “Sill Gorge” construction lot, which includes the northern portal of what will be the longest railway tunnel in the...
The ITA awards, currently in their 10th edition, are an important international recognition for underground works. Our...
On Wednesday 18 September, the start-up ceremony was held for the last TBMs to work on the BBT project, Wilma and Olga....
The TBM named Flavia started its journey in April 2019 from the Mules construction lot. It is a 200-metre-long tunnel...
Once again this year, the Bolzano Fair offers the opportunity to find all about the BBT project by visiting our stand....