Connecting Europe Days: The BBT at the heart of European mobility policy

More than 4000 visitors took part in the Connecting Europe Days, the flagship event for European mobility policy, which...

H53 Pfons-Brenner site: arrival of the first parts of Wilma

‘H53 Pfons-Brenner’ is the largest and southernmost construction site in the Austrian project area. And this is where...

Olga and Wilma, our new TBMs

Olga and Wilma are our two new TBMs that will soon start driving through the Alpine range, helping to build the Brenner...

Wilma, the new TBM for the Brenner Base Tunnel, was inspected and tested

The first of the two tunnel boring machines for the ‘H53 Pfons-Brenner’ construction lot of the Brenner Base Tunnel was...

Wilma and Olga: How the two new tunnel boring machines got their names

A special joint project with RegionalMedien Tirol has come up with two great names for our two new tunnel boring...

Status of the works of the Brenner Base Tunnel

The BBT tunnel system includes about 230 km of tunnels. 169 km have already been excavated.
169 km
230 km
Railway tunnel 70 km
Exploratory tunnel 56 km
Other tunnels 43 km
This is the length of the Brenner Base Tunnel and the Innsbruck bypass with which it links south of Aldrans. This will make it the longest underground railway connection in the world.
Passenger trains will travel through the tunnel at a top speed of 250 km/h.
measuring stations
Water quality is monitored at 1,350 measuring stations all along the project area.
The trip from Innsbruck to Fortezza takes 80 minutes today. The trip through the BBT will take only 25 minutes.