Why the name 'Brenner Base Tunnel'?
The existing Brenner railway line, which is almost 150 years old, has a slope of 26‰ and crosses the Brenner Pass – one of the most important North-South connections between Italy and Northern Europe and passable year-round – at 1,371 m above sea level.
The Base Tunnel, on the other hand, crosses the mountain deeper, at its base, with a gradient ranging from 4 to a maximum of 7‰.
What will change with the construction of the Tunnel?
With the construction of this infrastructure, and the significant reduction in the gradient of the route, travel times will be significantly shorter. Today, it takes 80 minutes to travel from Innsbruck to Fortezza. With the Tunnel, travel time will be reduced to just 25 minutes, at a speed of up to 200km/h.
The construction of the Gallery will offer, among others, four major advantages: -shift of traffic from road to rail; -reduced traffic congestion for the benefit of people and the environment; -safety against natural hazards; -decrease in travel time.
This will reinforce the shift of traffic from road to rail not only on the Fortezza-Innsbruck stretch, but also on the entire Munich-Verona corridor, thus promoting fast, safe and sustainable mobility.
Want to know more? Visit our Tunnel World Infopoint in Steinach am Brenner and follow us on social media!