Connecting Europe Days: The BBT at the heart of European mobility policy

More than 4000 visitors took part in the Connecting Europe Days, the flagship event for European mobility policy, which this year took place from 2 to 5 April at the SQUARE in Brussels, Belgium. BBT SE was present at this important event, with a stand shared with its partners in the Brenner Corridor Platform.

The Connecting Europe Days, the biannual flagship event for European mobility policy organised by the European Commission, was once again attended this year by representatives of the Brenner Corridor Platform. Together with our partners from the northern and southern access routes, we of BBT SE had our own stand at the SQUARE event centre in Brussels.

Not only that: the many sessions of presentations and discussions between the various stakeholders present at the event offered important insights into the future of Europe's environment, transport and mobility.

"Transport is fundamental for the functioning of our society. Two threats are very urgent: climate change and geopolitical issues. We can grow together and overcome these challenges,' said European Transport Commissioner Adina-Ioana Vălean during the opening plenary session of the Connecting Europe Days.
The Commissioner herself then visited our stand and spoke with us about the progress of the work.

The Brenner Base Tunnel, a project that fully embodies the European spirit

The Brenner Base Tunnel is the infrastructure project with the highest funding ever granted in Europe (over EUR 2.3 billion have been granted to date), demonstrating how central its completion is to sustainable mobility in Europe.

We share a major challenge with the other major infrastructure projects underway in Europe, such as the TELT for the Turin-Lyon line, Rail Baltica and the Fehmarn Belt, whose representatives we had the opportunity to meet in Brussels: to connect European countries in a green and efficient way and in so doing, help to shape the future of our continent.