The construction lot includes the excavation of the main tunnels between Pfons and Brenner, about 9 km of exploratory tunnel and the emergency stop and the cross-over at St. Jodok. In total, about 50 km of tunnel will be driven.
This construction lot was tendered at a European level according to the MEAT principle and on the basis of Austrian tender law (BVergG 2006, as amended in 2016). Five bids were tendered, from the following bidder consortia:
- Impresa Pizzarotti & C. S.P.A., Implenia Österreich GmbH, Metrostav a.s., BeMo Tunnelling GmbH
- Strabag AG, Salini Impregilo
- Acciona Construcción, S.A., Impresa Cooperativa Muratori & Cementisti – C.M.C. di Ravenna Società Cooperativa
- Astaldi S.p.A., Ghella S.p.A., Oberosler Cav. Pietro S.r.l., P.A.C. S.p.A.
- Porr Bau GmbH, G. Hinteregger & Söhne Baugesellschaft m.b.H., Società Italiana per Condotte d’Acqua S.p.A., Itinera S.p.A.
The qualitative criteria are currently under evaluation. Once this phase is complete, the price bids will be opened in a public hearing.
The Austrian CEO of BBT SE, Prof. Konrad Bergmeister, considers this tender procedure as a further important milestone for the construction of the Brenner Base Tunnel, since over 80% of the works for the tunnel have now been tendered. Six years ago, on April 18th 2011, Phase III - the construction phase of the tunnel - was launched.
So far 61 km of tunnel have been driven, which is about a fourth of the total volume of excavations.