The EU‘s goal is to guarantee swift, convenient and environmentally friendly freight transport and a new manner of travel for passenger traffic in Europe. In 1994 the EU decided to take measures to counteract the increase in heavy traffic on the road and thereby promote ecological rail infrastructure and its sustainable development. The first step in this direction was taken with the development of the Trans-European Network Transport (TEN-T for short) in the 1990s. In December 2013, the EU decided to redesign the TEN transport axis, and create transnational multi-modal transport connections. Nine TEN-T core corridors now connect Europe’s major ports with the railway infrastructure and its access routes by road. Transport routes in the European Union Source: DG Move (2020) Transalpine traffic flows : ( ) -Alpine tra fic flows over the main transit routes France Austria Switzerland Mont Cenis Fréjus Montblanc Simplon Lyon-Torino Lötschberg St. Gotthard Italy 0,8 20 3 10,6 8,7 11,8 38,8 13,9 8 Ceneri 15 Heavy traffic by road freight traffic in million tons / year Heavy traffic by rail freight traffic in million tons / year Recently opened railway tunnels Railway tunnels under construction Brenner 7 BRENNER BASE TUNNEL